Aaaaand she does it again. Off the grid while my entire life got turned upside down!
Following on from my last post, poor Romy didn't feel right at all at the Dressage Ireland Summer Nationals. I'm not sure if it was the increase in training but my gut was telling me he wasn't 100% and I'm so upset with myself that my competitive nature took over and I decided to give nationals a go anyway. Looking back at the videos it's clear he wasn't comfortable. He was eliminated from his first test for being irregular so I decided to withdraw from the test the following day and then give the freestyle a go two days later. Looking back I should have listened to my horse and taken him home but we went up the centre line anyway. Big lesson learnt that day. HUGE. We got around the test without being eliminated but it wasn't pretty. Poor Romy Pony.
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Romy the Fresian Cow |
We came back from nationals and after some investigative work by the fab team at EquiVet I decided to give Romy a proper break, a year off while I focussed on Luna. So off Romy trotted into the arms of Jane, an absolute guardian angel, who welcomed him into her field in Meath where she fed him carrots and cuddles on the daily. Romy settled into field life really well and other than looking the size of an overgrown Fresian cow he is still thriving up there (almost two years later!). I haven't retired him, I hopped up on him in the field a few weeks ago and Oh. My. God. The feeling he gives is just incredible. But as the title of this post suggests, Romy wasn't the only man in my life to have a piece of my heart so things changed pretty rapidly for me which meant Romy was living the field life for longer than I had planned!
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Luna meets The Boys |
Three in the field and the little one said...
2021 came, hooman baby was born in February, we moved house in March and by April I was itching to get back in the saddle. Unfortunately Greenogue was now too far from the new house so I popped her up the road to Brooke Lodge livery yard, which coincidentally is the same yard I learnt how to ride in decades (ugh, it still hurts to say that) ago. And MY GOD how the break helped Luna. I gave the brave girl pants to Lucy at Greenogue to sit back up on her for a couple of weeks before I had a go but she really didn't put a foot wrong. I bought her initially because she had Jazz on the sire line and I felt I was ready for something sharp, not realising I would be pregnant within the year and I am SO happy that she wasn't how I'd originally hoped. She really has the brain of a seasoned pro on her and listens to her rider, gets confidence from her rider and if something scares her she'll look at it and with a nudge of the leg will keep on going. Sure, I need to pony club kick her from time to time but not often and she took my post-partum bowl of jelly body and guided it around the arena without any complaints or tantrums. I felt safe. And let me tell you, if there's something that will shake your confidence as a rider it's having an entire human being waiting at home for you, needing you to be alive at the end of the day.
Yesterday was Lunas third show and we felt ready. I had my serious face on. We had nailed the canter transitions. And Luna felt more relaxed and listening to me than she had in ages. And she only went and won her first class on a whopping 76% but she also won the second test on 68.68% with a error of course thrown in and a couple of iffy movements. But I HAD learnt my lesson and rode the next movement as if we were winning. The wind was howling in Marlton yesterday and horses were on their toes and Luna took it all in her stride. I never thought I'd strike it lucky with a second horse who had as good a temperament as Romy but Luna is NEARLY reaching his good boi status.
Little clip of the test can be found here:
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Horse Sport Arena |
I've tried various horse supplements on all my horses over the decades, YES DECADES, that I've owned horses and there are really only two that I would strongly stand behind; NutriScience Gastro Care is one of those supplements. I have a happier horse which means she's more eager to do her work and I can't wait to get up and ride her these days. She's a wee dote!
So. We have qualified for summer nationals. I'm not going to be cocky about it this time so I hope Luna feels up for it come the week of nationals. Instead of putting the hard work in now I'm going to give Luna some time off and then I'll slowly pick her back up before having another small break before nationals. Hopefully this little lady has lots of floppy ear moments and lots more wins in her future.